Ken Lyons (3rd Dan), – Visiting Instructor – is a qualified SEKU Karate Instructor and has been practising Karate for over 20 years. Ken began training in his 40’s, which is perhaps reasonably late in life to begin but this demonstrates that you can start at any age and enjoy the benefits of regular training.
Norman Benn (2nd Dan) – Chief Instructor – who regularly participates in SEKU Instructor training along with other Black belt students. He has trained at the renowned Budokwai martial arts club in London and now regularly trains at Portsmouth Karate Club, which is SEKU’s Honbu (HQ) run by Chairman, Chief Instructor and SEKU founder Sensie Mick Dewey (8th dan). Norman also trains in Gibraltar with Gibshot, affiliated to SEKU, with its President and Chief Instructor Frankie Hatton (4th dan). He also when he can visits international seminars featuring JKA Sensei Naka Tatsuya (7th dan), and Sensei Okuma Koichiro (7th dan), Sensei Ohta (7th Dan), Sensei Kobayashi (7th Dan), Sensei Chubachi 6th Dan, Sensei, Kurihara (6th Dan) and Sensei Shimizu (6th Dan). These courses continue to develop Norman’s knowledge and experience, which he brings to the club and its members. Norman is a former Medal winner in both Kata and Kumite in SEKU Championships.